New Hampton School Health and Wellness Center
New Hampton, NH

“Their design of a new fitness center gives students something significant to look forward to.”
– Jill Duncan, Chief Financial Officer, NHS
New Hampton School wished to increase fitness options for their students by offering studio classes and providing additional weight and conditioning equipment. They needed additional space for the added programs, but also felt that the large, existing gymnasium was underused. By capturing space within the existing gymnasium, we were able to design them a spacious, new fitness center while still maintaining a fully functioning basketball gym. By adding a second-floor mezzanine, along with an elevated catwalk, three new rooms were created to provide the programming space New Hampton School was looking for. The new spaces include a 3,600sf weight training room, a 1,800sf dance/yoga studio, a 1,600sf Cardio room, as well as toilets, storage rooms and stairs. The renovation also provides new windows into the existing gymnasium to provide natural light and sweeping campus views. The new catwalk will become a popular viewing platform during basketball games.